
Technology partners play a pivotal role in elevating our platform's capabilities and broadening our service range. Chosen through rigorous evaluation, these alliances guarantee state-of-the-art solutions and effortless integration, ultimately benefiting our clients.
Our partnership with Qii
Five Degrees and Qii announce partnership to offer a seamless integration for accurate and...
Our partnership with ebankIT
°neo by Five Degrees and ebankIT announce partnership to offer a seamless digital banking ...
Our partnership with Fourthline
°neo by Five Degrees and Fourthline join forces to take digital banking to the next level.
Our partnership with Provenir
Provenir teams up with Five Degrees to add AI-powered decision-making capabilities to the ...
Our partnership with Rulecube
Rulecube teams up with °neo by Five Degrees to speed up complex business processes in the ...
Our partnership with Twikey
Twikey and °neo by Five Degrees connect to optimize cloud-native core banking platform fun...
Our partnership with Salt Edge
°neo by Five Degrees and Salt Edge join forces to take digital banking to the next level.
Our partnership with Microsoft Azure
Microsoft enables °neo by Five Degrees to offer cloud-native core banking technology on th...